Cancellation and Return Policy
Account Cancellation
Customers can cancel their account at any given point of time without prior indication. There is no obligation for the customers to be associated with our company and can cancel their account at any given point of time. If you wish to terminate your account with us, please send an email to We would cancel your account and let you know at the earliest. Please remember that if we disable your account, you will not be able to log in to our website anymore. If you want to enable your account, please request the same on the mail.
Order Cancellation
You can cancel an order before the start of delivery on the date of Delivery (i.e before 18:00 pm on weekdays and 13:00pm on weekends), by contacting us or Whatsapp+4679 34 11 678and confirm the cancellation.
- It’s not possible to cancel after the delivery.
- Customer has the right to cancel the order at any given point of time before delivery without giving a reason.
- No charge applicable for cancelling the order before delivery.
Change in Order
You canchange or modify the order, once it’s placed online before the start of delivery, Please call us or Whatsapp us on +46 79 34 11 678 for any modification